Her Sister Nehal

By Vaidicka


A new stone looks up to her elevated face everyday

wondering what form it’ll take on this time



will it be a landscape that’ll knock the breath out of your lungs

or will it be an endearing animal that it will be transformed into


what will my future look like the stone wonders

taking a look at the artist the stone doesn’t have any doubts


that whatever face it takes on this time

it will be exemplary


no stone is like any other

an authenticity so raw in each new painted stone


it makes the heart of every person seeing them

swell up with feelings that cannot be conveyed


the artist’s words fail her sometimes

sometimes she just can’t convey what’s in her mind verbally

that’s why her biggest companion in life is the thing that helps her express herself when other means fail


that’s why

she’s one with the art when she’s painting


By Vaidicka